Safeguarding children and families is incredibly important to us at Coffee Tots, we are committed to protect and care for everyone in our community, but especially adults at risk and children.
For more information or to report concerns about the welfare of a child or adult at risk please see below.
Safeguarding Concern
If you have a safeguarding concern please click here
for how to report your concerns.
Safeguarding Team
Contact Details
You can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team
on 07950 382934 or 024 7652 1345
"Family Learning is part of Adult Education at Coventry City Council and we have run several groups for adults at Coffee Tots over the past few years. Coffee Tots provide us with space to run the groups, and room to provide a creche. The staff are friendly and the city centre position means the venue is accessible to all" Kate Stevenson - Programme Manager - Family Learning.